
My name is Gaël Sola. I am a forester, data scientist and aspiring web developer. I currently work as a consultant at the Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, where I specialize in monitoring tropical forests and their impact on climate change.

Feel free to connect with me on Github, LinkedIn or by email at gael.sola@sola-analytics.com.

More about me

My daily work combines analyzing forest inventory and spatial data, providing technical support to government institutions and delivering hands-on training, reporting and communication on forests and climate change. Plus a small portion project management.

I am a huge fan of the project, its amazing community and the tools and packages developed by Rstudio. After being a long time base R coder, I recently switched to the {tidyverse} for the clarity of its functions, its code readability and beginner friendliness.

I am also an avid users of Rstudio communication oriented packages, {rmarkdown} and {bookdown} for reports and web documents, {shiny} for dashboards and {blogdown} for websites. These tools are a game changer in communicating data analysis results in a dynamic and interactive way. They help a lot in making data and stats more fun to work with and more engaging for decision-makers.

In my free time, I like learning new R skills, web development and web design. I also have a few off line passions, mostly cooking and traveling to forests and nature